THE SEARCH FOR NEVER ENDING HAPPINESS. There is no sky-God in heaven who is going to protect you from the volatility of the lived human experience, but there is a deep-seated serenity, tranquility, and equanimity that you can access at the center of yourself and all things. There is no knight in shining armor or bewitching goddess who is going to swoop in and carry you away into a fairy tale happy ending, but there is the personal work you can do with and in yourself that will enable you to cultivate healthy, fulfilling and satisfying relationships. There is no special enlightened leader or teacher or sacred book that can finally show you the highest truth that sets you free, but you are capable of utilizing your own critical thinking, direct experience, and personal investigation to discover and embrace ultimate reality. There is no self-help guru or program that will magically solve your chronic unhappiness, disharmony, and self-sabotaging mindsets and choices,...