His name is Yahaya Kaweed ,he born on the 15th June 1997,at Goripie in the wa East District of the upper west region of Ghana. He is the last born of his mother madam Amina Mohammed out of 5 children. His father is late Yahaya Mumuni of blessed memory. He is a student politician. He is a final year registered general nursing student of nursing Training college,wa. He has the passion for education and to be a health worker and he always have the" I can do it spirit"wherever I find myself and that helps me in always trying to take a challenge, always trying to be among the best and move with others in the academic calendar. He believes in teamwork.
He had hismy basic education at Goripie Saeediyya E/A primary school and JHS in the same school in the upper west region within the period of 2005-2014. After BECE he got admission into wa Islamic senior high School in the upper west region. He studied General science within the period of 2014-2017. He then got admission into Nursing Training college, wa in the year 2018 where he is currently offering Diploma in General Nursing.
1. General Secretary GNMTA/SRC 2020/2021 NTC, Wa
3. course rep 2018-2020 NTC,Wa
4. President wa East students Union Islamic Senior High School Wa 2015-2017
5. Science Club Treasurer Islamic senior high School Wa 2015-2017
6. Mathematics club organizer Islamic senior high School wa 2016/2017
Intended projects
1. Creating a common platform for all Trainee's within the region which will help in sharing ideas for academic Excellence
2. All local executives platform will also be created for tranee leaders to share their ideas on leaders and also give complains for GNMTA to redress
3. Organization of games within my region with the help of local executives
4. Collaborating with NEB in solving Trainee's needs through the ministry of health
5. Advocating for the needs of trainee nurses
6. Collating all the needs and monitoring the activities of Trainee's for ZEB and NEB to act on
Leadership skills:
Always see criticism as motivation to work harder
Always trying to listen to advise from people
Playing football
Listening to music
Watching movies
Listening to sports news
Engaging in acadamic activities
Football news